Wednesday, November 10, 2010

cheap fun easy fall kids activities.

So they may not be the most creative crafts but I have a 20 month old who cant really get creative so I am limited to the crafts I can do with her right now. Although these activities may be simple she loves them and they are a great way to have fun with your toddler and bond.

Autumn handprint wreath

you will need:

construction paper in autumn colors
washable finger paint in autumn colors and paintbrush
a paper plate (I used a small one)
child safe scissors
and a toddlers hand
(of course a towel and water for clean up. I would also out an apron on your toddler because this can get messy)

1.Cut the center out of the paper plate(you can save these and reuse them as palettes).

2.Using contrasting colors paint your toddlers hand and make a handprint on the construction paper. Do this to make as many
handprints as you would like with as many colors as you would like. set aside to dry.

3.Have your toddler paint the paper plate rim you cut whatever color they would like.

4.While your toodler is painting draw some leaves on construction paper in different sizes and cut them out. If your child is old enough you could also let them do this step themselves. (I have also found die cut leaves at craft stores that would look really cut with this if you don't like the construction paper leaves)

5.let the rim dry completely.

6. while rim is drying cut out the handprints.

7.Glue the handprints and leaves in whatever pattern an design that you like

8. Hang up on a nail or tack or you could even use ribbon.

9.ENJOY WITH YOU CHILD! My daughter looks at hers everyday and talks about it often.

Thankful Turkeys:

So I love teaching my dd about loving others and appreciating her life and all she has. Even at 2 she is beginning to understand and say thank you often. These little turkeys serve as little reminders to cherish the little things we love.

you will need:

construction paper in any colors you like preferably fall colors

finger paints



1.Start by cutting feathers the size of you childs hand and write down the things they are thankful for or things you know they love. Set aside.

2. paint your toddlers hands and make handprints on a piece of construction paper. Let dry.

3.glue feathers where fingerprints are to create a turkey.

4. Then draw legs, a beak, and whatever other your accessories you desire and enjoy!

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