Thursday, November 4, 2010

If she can do it we can...

I've always wondered how Martha always knows what she knows (if that makes any sense). I mean my mom did crafts with us kinda and baked with us but Marthas mom made her do everything by hand and from scratch.

That is where my differnce from Martha is, my mom. Well actually my mom's circmstance. She was a single mom with 3 kids. She worked full time and barely had time to take a shower before work let alone teach us how to sew. In our society everything comes from a store. Its easier fast and sometimes cheaper to buy premade stuff than to craft your own. So thats how my sisters and I were pretty much raised and I guess thats how we kinda thought It had always been for humans. I thought if I didnt find something I liked in a store then I was outta luck.

Ive always been a artistic kid actually I was always drawing, painting, or imagining something. I always wanted something different and what was sold in stores never really satisfied me. Kids loved disney and mickey and I wanted black and white paisley (although I didnt know it was paisley then)

Then one morning at the age of 12 I was up early (very rare btw) and I turned on the the TV to find a blonde woman making pancakes. She was so calm and her kitchen was so clean and organized. The cameras panned over the delicious golden brown pancakes and then back to martha who stated she was going to teach us how to make these pancakes right after commercial. I ran to my room and got a pen and paper and wrote down everything she said. I watched her closely so I could do it right in my own kitchen. Then after I had learned the secret of making pancakes at home without a box I went to my kitchen to make them only to find I only had a pan to make them with. No flour, sugar, and no spatula (I think the spatula was just lost). I was upset but I poured my self cereal and went back to my store bought life never thinking about martha again.

Then I became a mother and realized I wanted my daughter to have a more unique childhood than I had and my artistic little sister became my cooking and crafting assistant and together we have done some pretty cool things that we will be able to pass down to our kids and hopefully other people wanting to live a made at home life.

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